Dashfolio 2014

The RSS Dashboard for Web Authors, by Daniela BERNDT

"5WH" Hexamodularity: What/When/Where/Who/Why/How?

Just like the Blogfolio equivalent thereto, which covers the personal dimensions of an author’s perimeter, this professional dashboard regroups - in a single RSS thread this year - all the news pertaining to my Webfolio (Netfolio + Profolio).

In order to provide for both comprehensive and self-explaining coverage of my publication perimeter, this RSS flight log is structured as follows:

Categories in development

Websites of my Profolio 2014:
  • Dashfolio: the RSS news feed to the present professional dashboard;
  • Net-plus-ultra.info: the RSS news feed to the user environment;
  • Net-plus-ultra.net: the RSS news feed to the network environment;
  • Net-plus-ultra.org: the RSS news feed to the system environment.
Websites of my Netfolio 2013:
  • Blogfolio: the RSS news feed to my dashboard;
  • Infolio: the RSS news feed to my profile;
  • Lifefolio: the RSS news feed to my life project;
  • Testfolio: the RSS news feed to my virtual toolbox.


For each of these categories, one or more keywords will complete the topic of each new article throughout the construction of this weblog: Lexifolio, Netfolio, Profolio, Registration, Theme, Update, Up next, etc.

Please note that my entire Webfolio publication perimeter is conceived so as to provide all the answers to the questions which would otherwise be found in a classical FAQ section. For customized processing of any given specific issue, i.e. for an affiliate-to-affiliate consultation, you must have pre-registered member status!

All these topics will be further developed in the different websites of my NetPlusUltra®-sustained metalogical demo.

Daniela BERNDT

French / German