This is it!

Step 7/7

Let me close this RSS-enabled special summer edition with a concept debriefing, in order to refocus on the ExtraNetPlusUltra® solution which came out of this brief problem-solving audit. This new external web module will be visible by everyone, as a self-declarative directory of the work in progress inside the network, which will be accessible to registered members only.Continue reading

Principle of conceptual integrity

Step 6/7

If you entered my Megastore through the Testfolio gate at Netfolio level, which leads to my Profolio's professional dashboard through all necessary introductory recommendations, chances are that you are now (peacefully) empowered with a Minifolio of your own, self-made of an Infolio, a Lifefolio, and the embryo of a Blogfolio, which is no less than your personal RSS dashboard. To fulfill the pre-affiliation requirements, the Infolio CV matrix will do, since it provides me, as the master-franchisor, with a necessary and sufficient double guarantee that motivation and raw material are available!Continue reading